Get Rid of Hair- On Your Head

Have you ever wanted to get rid of hair on your head? If you have or do then you're in the right place. You will learn step by step how to transform your hairy head into a smooth scalp.

* The first thing you need is electric clippers
so that you can cut the hair as close to the scalp as possible until there's only stubble left on the head. This is something you can do yourself so that you can get rid of hair and save the expense of a barber.

* The best time to shave is right after a shower so that the scalp is warm and the hair is soft which makes it easier to shave. You can even shave in the shower if you want. Another way is to apply a hot wet towel across your head for 3-5 minutes. The proper preparation will help prevent razor bumps/burns.

* You will need a shaving lubricant in the form of gel, oil or cream. Shaving oil is best and it's important to work it in for a closer better shave and to get rid of hair all over the head.

* Now, it's time to get rid of hair. Start with the lighter thinner hair first and do the coarse hair last this will give it more time to soften. Be sure to do slow even strokes, take your time.

* Added tips- If you go against the grain, the way the hair grows, you will get closest results, however, it can be the most irritating to your skin. Try to go across each area only once as this can be irritating as well.

If you experience irritation then you need to use a good after shave or skin care lotion that has aloe vera or vitamin E. Make sure it's alcohol free as this will dry out the skin and aggravate irritated areas even more.

That's it, now you know how to get rid of hair on your head and have that sleek smooth look you always wanted.

Shop below for recommended products:

Shaving oil here

Shaving cream here

Shaving gel here

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