Get Rid of Hair- The Facts part 1

Get Rid of Hair- The Facts, is a series which has 4 parts and goes into detail on terminology of hair removal first of all, permanent hair removal. Secondly, semi- permanent hair removal.Third, long term hair removal. Fourth and last, hair reduction. What do all these terms mean? That's what you will find out in this series.

Permanent hair removal. What does it mean? Well, there really is no permanent hair removal in the real sense of the word. Electrolysis is the only method that is approved by the FDA for permanent hair removal, and has the best results over any other method. However, hair growing back is still a possibility, although it may be finer or a reduced amount.

Let's see how it works. A very fine needle-shaped instrument is put into the hair follicle for about a minute to destroy the root. Multiple sessions are needed due to different stages of hair growth. Indeed, it becomes a long tedious process as covering a small area can take hours.

As you can see it will take up a lot of time and then there's the expense factor, an average half hour session is about 50-60 dollars. No doubt, this covers only a small area of skin. Additionally, there is a stinging or pricking sensation which causes a certain amount of discomfort.

Depending on your tolerance for pain and how much money and time you have will determine if this is the best option for you. Although it has several drawbacks electrolysis still has the best track record for permanent hair removal. And it doesn't matter what type of hair you have, whether it's gray, dark or even coarse it destroys the root, getting rid of the source.

There's also three types of electrolysis currently being used. Galvanic which uses a direct current, Thermolysis which is a high frequency, alternating current and the Blend method which combines the two.

In conclusion, only you can decide if electrolysis is best for you. You now have the facts to do with as you see fit.

* Coming soon- The Facts part2: What semi-permanent hair removal really means.

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