Get Rid of Hair- Hair Removal

To get rid of hair there are several options to choose from. Most people shave the hair with a razor since it's simple and not costly. There are a couple of problems with shaving however, such as unsightly shaving bumps and if you press too hard or have a dull blade you'll get razor burn OUCH!

Additionally, the hair grow back fairly quick, within 2-3 days. The reason it's so temporary is that it cuts the hair off at the skins surface. Then there's the myth that when you shave hair it grows back in thicker and darker. Did you get that? It's a MYTH, so stop this untruth from being spread from here on.

You also need to make sure you use a moisturizer or some sort of shaving cream which is typically used by men so that the razor will glide and not scrape or cut the skin. Many people use hair conditioner, body wash or bar soap for this purpose.

Depending on where you shave you may get a different response on your skin. This is due to some areas of the body being more sensitive than others and everybody's body is different in this respect. So whatever you use to get rid of hair on your legs may not work the same as it did on your face.

For Example, a body builder may have been shaving his face for years, then decide he needs to get rid of hair on back, chest and legs that has never been shaved. He may try to shave the hair, but sees that he will have to find other ways to get rid of hair on his body.

As mentioned previously, there are several options to get rid of hair and all of them will be addressed here along with ideas and what's best for each area of the body and so forth. Just keep coming back for solutions, not just answers, to your get rid of hair concerns.

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