Get Rid of Hair- The Facts part3

Get Rid of Hair- The Facts part3 is on long term hair removal. What does this mean? It kind of depends on what your definition of long is. However, most consider 6 months a little more or less without having to do any type of hair removal before this time frame.

Many people believe that laser hair removal is the only way to get rid of hair, unwanted hair, on their bodies. The truth of the matter is that this is not the case. There are other products that are much more affordable than laser hair removal and just as effective. And you don't have to visit a surgeon or dermatologist to do the procedure.

Long term hair removal is done with radio frequency wave technology and is FDA approved. You can remove one hair at a time or entire sections and works on all types of hair and colors. It is painless and affordable as compared to the laser or electrolysis methods which we have went into detail on previously in this series. Additionally, there is no risk of burning, scarring, or infection.

While most of the long term hair hair removal systems say that it's permanent hair removal the truth is that it may or may not return within the 6 month more or less time frame. So, don't get your hopes up with thoughts of it never coming back. They typically claim that it only takes 3- 5 treatments to get rid of hair for good. However, hair is reduced and lighter when it comes back.

To view an example of a long term hair removal method there is a product called 'Finally Free' click on this link for details, pricing etc.

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