Get Rid of Hair- The Facts part4

Get Rid of Hair- The Facts part4 is the last in a series on hair removal terminology. This series should clear up vague definitions thrown around that pertain to hair removal so that you will have a better understanding of what to expect when that particular term is being used.

Part 4 is on hair reduction. What does hair reduction mean? Several lasers have proven that they can reduce coarseness and also lighten hair on a permanent basis and they call this hair reduction.

Some consumers experience permanent hair reduction while others do not. The perfect candidate would be someone with light skin and dark hair. You see the laser can lighten skin as it does hair and cause discoloration in dark skinned individuals creating uneven skin tones which is just as bad, if not worse, than unwanted hair. However, even the ideal client isn't guaranteed to experience permanent hair reduction and it's still unknown as to why.

The FDA started out accepting the definition of reduction as a stable reduction of coarse dark hairs. Then changed it to: "Permanent hair reduction is defined as long-term, stable reduction in the number of hairs regrowing after a treatment regime. The number of hairs regrowing must be stable over a time greater than the complete growth cycle of hair, which varies from 4-12 months according to body location. Permanent hair reduction does not necessarily imply the elimination of all hairs in the treatment area.

The reason they had to change their definition was due to abuse of terminology during advertising that led to unrealistic expectations. Many consumers were disappointed when results didn't match their expectations.

All the same concerns that were explained in The Facts part2 on lasers apply here as well. After all, a laser treatment is a laser treatment whether, you're going for permanent hair removal or reduction. Advertisers say after three or four treatments the hair isn't going to return, but as you know now, as you've read here, that there's always a chance it may.

This is the last in the series Get Rid of Hair- The Facts. Hopefully, you're more knowledgeable on definitions of hair removal and what they mean so that you can make better, more informed hair removal/reduction decisions.

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Get Rid of Hair- The Facts part3

Get Rid of Hair- The Facts part3 is on long term hair removal. What does this mean? It kind of depends on what your definition of long is. However, most consider 6 months a little more or less without having to do any type of hair removal before this time frame.

Many people believe that laser hair removal is the only way to get rid of hair, unwanted hair, on their bodies. The truth of the matter is that this is not the case. There are other products that are much more affordable than laser hair removal and just as effective. And you don't have to visit a surgeon or dermatologist to do the procedure.

Long term hair removal is done with radio frequency wave technology and is FDA approved. You can remove one hair at a time or entire sections and works on all types of hair and colors. It is painless and affordable as compared to the laser or electrolysis methods which we have went into detail on previously in this series. Additionally, there is no risk of burning, scarring, or infection.

While most of the long term hair hair removal systems say that it's permanent hair removal the truth is that it may or may not return within the 6 month more or less time frame. So, don't get your hopes up with thoughts of it never coming back. They typically claim that it only takes 3- 5 treatments to get rid of hair for good. However, hair is reduced and lighter when it comes back.

To view an example of a long term hair removal method there is a product called 'Finally Free' click on this link for details, pricing etc.

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Get Rid of Hair- The Facts part 2

Get Rid of Hair- The Facts part2 is on semi- permanent hair removal. What does semi- permanent mean? It's kind of a newer term used for laser techniques and simply means that hair will be gone for a few weeks and possibly months.

Just to be clear however, laser treatments don't work as well for some people as others for example, lasers are not as effective on gray, white or very blond hair. The laser light is attracted to dark colors, therefore, those with light skin and dark hair tend to fare better than their dark skinned counter parts since the laser light may burn the dark skin. It doesn't matter if the skin is tanned or natural the result is the same.

This is how it works. A beam of light (the laser) passes through the skin to the hair follicle, where the hair absorbs it and in the process is destroyed. A topical anesthetic may be applied to reduce pain or discomfort.During the treatment you will experience a stinging sensation as the instrument is held to the skin along with a strong odor of singed hair. You will also have to wear goggles to prevent accidental exposure from the laser light.

Consider semi-permanent removal in small areas such as bikini area, eyebrows, lip, underarm and chin due to high cost and time required. However, if money and time is no problem you can get most any area of body hair removed by lasers.

And then there's the cost. The average treatment is $425, however, the best thing to do is set up a consultation with a physician to get a better understanding of your particular case. Choose wisely, make sure you have a reputable practitioner.

Now, for the good part and that is the hair won't grow back for weeks, maybe months, results vary from person to person. And better yet, it may not come back at all, after several weeks of treatments.

The FDA has approved laser hair removal as a safe means of hair reduction. To-date, there have been no illnesses or diseases related to the laser. The only side effect is a sun-burn like reaction or rash which disappears quickly.

Get Rid of Hair
-The Facts part 3 is on long term hair removal and coming soon. Part 1 was on Permanent Hair Removal in the post just below this one. This series is to give you the information you need to make the best choice available for your hair removal needs.

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Get Rid of Hair- The Facts part 1

Get Rid of Hair- The Facts, is a series which has 4 parts and goes into detail on terminology of hair removal first of all, permanent hair removal. Secondly, semi- permanent hair removal.Third, long term hair removal. Fourth and last, hair reduction. What do all these terms mean? That's what you will find out in this series.

Permanent hair removal. What does it mean? Well, there really is no permanent hair removal in the real sense of the word. Electrolysis is the only method that is approved by the FDA for permanent hair removal, and has the best results over any other method. However, hair growing back is still a possibility, although it may be finer or a reduced amount.

Let's see how it works. A very fine needle-shaped instrument is put into the hair follicle for about a minute to destroy the root. Multiple sessions are needed due to different stages of hair growth. Indeed, it becomes a long tedious process as covering a small area can take hours.

As you can see it will take up a lot of time and then there's the expense factor, an average half hour session is about 50-60 dollars. No doubt, this covers only a small area of skin. Additionally, there is a stinging or pricking sensation which causes a certain amount of discomfort.

Depending on your tolerance for pain and how much money and time you have will determine if this is the best option for you. Although it has several drawbacks electrolysis still has the best track record for permanent hair removal. And it doesn't matter what type of hair you have, whether it's gray, dark or even coarse it destroys the root, getting rid of the source.

There's also three types of electrolysis currently being used. Galvanic which uses a direct current, Thermolysis which is a high frequency, alternating current and the Blend method which combines the two.

In conclusion, only you can decide if electrolysis is best for you. You now have the facts to do with as you see fit.

* Coming soon- The Facts part2: What semi-permanent hair removal really means.

Unwanted Facial Hair Removal

Men are used to shaving their face, however, women are not. Women who have unwanted facial hair may have to go another route due to sensitive skin and this can create a dilemma. Most hair removal methods are temporary and hair comes back within 24 hours. Of course, if you try anything harsher you risk burning or scarring. So, what to do?

If the hair is light you have an option to bleach it and this does work well for some and others who have dark or thick hair it's less effective. Also, if you have dark skin it may be too much of a contrast in color and lighten the skin with the hair. Another thing to remember is that you will not have a smooth hairless surface.

Another way to get rid of unwanted facial hair is by using hair removal creams also called debilatories to remove hair by the use of chemicals. You would be wise to test the product on your forearm to see how the skin responds. Make sure you read the instructions carefully and take extra precaution if the hair is coarse.

Next we have the waxing method. This is an effective and popular method of hair removal and works well on the face if done properly. In addition, the hair doesn't grow back as quickly, in fact, it may take anywhere from 3-8 weeks for hair to come back. And you have the option to use hot or cold wax applications.

In case you don't know the difference between hot and cold wax here's a brief summary. The cold wax doesn't hurt as much and is less effective, but is easier to use. The hot wax may hurt more, is more effective, and more difficult to apply.

Unwanted facial hair
can be a problem, but once you find a method that works for you then you're set. You may need to experiment a bit to get to this point, however, it's worth it to have smooth silky skin isn't it?

Get Rid of Hair- On Your Head

Have you ever wanted to get rid of hair on your head? If you have or do then you're in the right place. You will learn step by step how to transform your hairy head into a smooth scalp.

* The first thing you need is electric clippers
so that you can cut the hair as close to the scalp as possible until there's only stubble left on the head. This is something you can do yourself so that you can get rid of hair and save the expense of a barber.

* The best time to shave is right after a shower so that the scalp is warm and the hair is soft which makes it easier to shave. You can even shave in the shower if you want. Another way is to apply a hot wet towel across your head for 3-5 minutes. The proper preparation will help prevent razor bumps/burns.

* You will need a shaving lubricant in the form of gel, oil or cream. Shaving oil is best and it's important to work it in for a closer better shave and to get rid of hair all over the head.

* Now, it's time to get rid of hair. Start with the lighter thinner hair first and do the coarse hair last this will give it more time to soften. Be sure to do slow even strokes, take your time.

* Added tips- If you go against the grain, the way the hair grows, you will get closest results, however, it can be the most irritating to your skin. Try to go across each area only once as this can be irritating as well.

If you experience irritation then you need to use a good after shave or skin care lotion that has aloe vera or vitamin E. Make sure it's alcohol free as this will dry out the skin and aggravate irritated areas even more.

That's it, now you know how to get rid of hair on your head and have that sleek smooth look you always wanted.

Shop below for recommended products:

Shaving oil here

Shaving cream here

Shaving gel here

Get Rid of Hair- Hair Removal

To get rid of hair there are several options to choose from. Most people shave the hair with a razor since it's simple and not costly. There are a couple of problems with shaving however, such as unsightly shaving bumps and if you press too hard or have a dull blade you'll get razor burn OUCH!

Additionally, the hair grow back fairly quick, within 2-3 days. The reason it's so temporary is that it cuts the hair off at the skins surface. Then there's the myth that when you shave hair it grows back in thicker and darker. Did you get that? It's a MYTH, so stop this untruth from being spread from here on.

You also need to make sure you use a moisturizer or some sort of shaving cream which is typically used by men so that the razor will glide and not scrape or cut the skin. Many people use hair conditioner, body wash or bar soap for this purpose.

Depending on where you shave you may get a different response on your skin. This is due to some areas of the body being more sensitive than others and everybody's body is different in this respect. So whatever you use to get rid of hair on your legs may not work the same as it did on your face.

For Example, a body builder may have been shaving his face for years, then decide he needs to get rid of hair on back, chest and legs that has never been shaved. He may try to shave the hair, but sees that he will have to find other ways to get rid of hair on his body.

As mentioned previously, there are several options to get rid of hair and all of them will be addressed here along with ideas and what's best for each area of the body and so forth. Just keep coming back for solutions, not just answers, to your get rid of hair concerns.